Griffith Review 69:
The European Exchange

How do the deep and complex relationships between Australia and Europe realise themselves?

Griffith Review 69: The European Exchange looks at the multifaceted relationship between two distant continents.




Announcing the winners of The Novella Project VIII

Congratulations to Rhianna Boyle, Claire G Coleman, Mikele Prestia and Kate Veitch!

Their winning novellas will appear in Griffith Review 70: Generosities of Spirit, published 3 November 2020.

Read more here.


From this rural vantage point, during lockdown, I’ve been intrigued by the changed way people connect in the ‘big world out there’.

In the ninth instalment of our occasional COVID-19 chronicle, writer Hayley Katzen reflects on the contemplative and creative possibilities of lockdown.

Read the piece in full here.




The European Exchange
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Generosities of Spirit –
The Novella Project VIII
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Griffith Review